How to create a virtual machine snapshot?

To create an instant state snapshot (hereinafter referred to as "snapshot") of the virtual machine, in the "Virtual mashines" section left-click on "Actions" below the information about the virtual machine.

This will open a drop-down menu where you should select "Create snapshot" to create the snapshot, "Revert to Snapshot" to return to the snapshot creation state, "Remove Snapshot" to remove the snapshot.

If the virtual machine is enabled, use the "Snapshot the memory of the virtual mashine" option to save the memory status. Use "Quiesce guest file system" to prepare the data on disk to create a consistent snapshot.

It is possible to create a snapshot at vApp level. In this case the snapshot is created for each of the machines grouped in it.

The current version of vCloud Director does not support multiple snapshot creation.

Storing the snapshots requires additional disk space of at least the size of the machine and affects its performance, so it is recommended only for the time of testing complex modifications and settings.

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