Virtual machine start up and shut down

The virtual machine can be Powered On, Powered Off and Suspended. You can move the virtual machine to any of these states on your own without any technical support.

Shutting down a Virtual Machine

There are two ways to shut down a virtual machine. The first one (Power Off) is similar to turning off the computer power. The second, and more secure way, involves sending a shutdown alert to the guest operating system. This will shut down the virtual machine more correctly, but requires VmWareTools to be installed in the guest OS, and the guest OS itself must fully support their capabilities.

To shut down Virtual Machine:

  • Left-click on the Virtual Machines section in the left side of the vCloud Director interface.
  •  Find the Virtual Machine you need in the main interface area.
  •  Left-click on the "Actions" drop-down menu below the Virtual Machine description.

  • Select the "Power off" option from the drop-down list and left-click on it.

  • Answer the confirmation request in the affirmative by pressing the "OK" button.

  • Wait for the virtual machine to start (the green inscription "Powered On" in the description of the virtual machine will be changed to red inscription "Powered off").

To safely shut down the virtual machine:

  •  Left-click on the "Virtual Machines" section in the left side of the vCloud Director interface.
  •  Find the Virtual Machine you need in the main interface area.
  •  Left-click on the "Actions" drop-down menu under the virtual machine description.

  • Select the "Shut Down Guest OS" option from the drop-down list and left-click on it.


  • Click the "OK" button to confirm the action.

  • Wait for the virtual machine to be switched off (the inscription "Powered On" in the description of the virtual machine will change to the inscription "Powered off" in red).

Suspending the virtual machine

Suspending the virtual machine means stopping it in an instant state snapshot with no shutdown. The Suspended Virtual Machine can be started up again (in this case all programs inside the Virtual Machine will keep running from the state on which the Virtual Machine was suspended) or shut down.

To suspend a virtual machine:

  •   Left-click on the "Virtual Machines" section in the left area of the vCloud Director interface.
  •  Find the Virtual Machine you need in the main interface area.
  • Left-click on the "Actions" drop-down menu below the description of the virtual machine.

Select the "Suspend" option from the drop-down list and left-click on it.

  • Wait for the virtual machine to be switched off (the inscription "Powered On" in the description of the virtual machine will change to the inscription "Suspended" in red).

To run the suspended virtual machine:

  •  Left-click on the "Virtual Machines" section in the left area of the vCloud Director interface.
  •  Find the Virtual Machine you need in the main interface area.
  •  Left-click on the "Actions" drop-down menu under the virtual machine description.

Select the "Power On" option from the drop-down list and left-click it.

  • Wait for the virtual machine to start (the inscription "Suspended" in red in the description of the virtual machine will change to the inscription "Powered on" in green).

To start a switched off virtual machine

  • Left-click on the "Virtual Machines" section in the left area of the vCloud Director interface.
  •  Find the Virtual Machine you need in the main interface area.
  •  Left-click on the "Actions" drop-down menu, below the virtual machine description.

  • Select the "Power On" option from the drop-down list and click on it

  • The inscription "Powered  off" in red in the description of the virtual machine will change to the inscription "Powered on" in green).

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