Creating a virtual machine from an ISO image (in HTML5)

Access to the VMware vCloud control panel


After receiving the control panel access details, open the corresponding link (ИмяВашегоДатацентра/) and enter your username and password:

Creating a virtual machine

To create a virtual machine, you must create a group (vApp) that includes virtual machines. You can control the order in which the virtual machines are started, the waiting time at startup and stop in the group.

To create a group of machines (vApp), click New vApp:

After that the window for creating vApp will open. Enter a name and click "ADD VIRTUAL MACHINE":

If you want to install the virtual machine from the template, please use this instruction.

To install the virtual machine from the ISO image, select Type: "New":

You will see a virtual machine creating window with the following options: OS type, CD-DVD-Rom connection image (Boot image) and recommended configuration - Small, Medium, Large. After you have set all the settings, click OK.


Note: You can manually set CPU, RAM and other values in the configuration using CUSTOMIZE.

If you need to create more than one machine, you can repeat the procedure in the same way by clicking "ADD VIRTUAL MACHINE".

Setting up the network.

On the "Networking" tab, you can connect network adapters to existing networks in your vApp (see Network Setup).

Setting up a virtual machine.

Go to the "Virtual Machines" menu, select the desired virtual machine, and from the action menu turn it on (Power On). After turning it on, select the desired type of console from the same action menu - "Launch Web Console", "Launch VM Remote Console".


Continue the installation according to the documentation of the selected operating system.

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