In this article, we will consider the possibility of capturing network packets on EDGE with its further analysis in Wireshark; this can be useful in diagnosing a wide range of problems. After gaining access to the control panel of the virtual router, as described in Part 1
We will decide on the network interface on which we will remove packets - show interface
In the example described below, we will analyze traffic on the vNic_0 interface. There are two options for capturing traffic:
- to the screen and
- to file.
I. Traffic capture and viewing in the terminal.
Start debug packet display interface vNic_0 and get a report about traffic to the console.
To complete capture, press CTRL + C. If you enable output logging in the SSH client settings in a file, then get this data in the file.
To filter exchange traffic with a specific host, for example, from
debug packet display interface vNic_0
To filter traffic by host and port 22 we use:
debug packet display interface vNic_0 port_22_and_host_90.107.69.171
You can exclude from the output those connections that we use to connect to EDGE via SSH, adding not to the rules, excluding our host
debug packet display interface vNic_0 not_port_22_and_not_host_90.107.69.171
To capture on multiple ports UDP / 500 (ISAKMP) or UDP / 4500 (IPSEC) and Remote host IP:, write:
debug packet display interface vNic_0 host_192.168.255.2_and_udp_port_500_or_udp_port_4500
Other examples of possible filtering:
debug packet display interface any host_11.22.33.44_and_tcp_port_80
debug packet display interface vNic_0 udp
debug packet display interface vNic_0 icmp
debug packet display interface vNic_0 host_10.10.10.10
debug packet display interface vNic_0 tcp_src_port_53
debug packet display interface any host_10.10.10.10_or_host_11.22.33.44
II. Capturing traffic with saving to file
Write all captured traffic to a file - debug packet capture interface vNic_0
You can continue to work in the console. As you decided to finish collecting traffic, enter - no debug packet capture interface vNic_0. Now let's see the created file with this data - debug show files.
After saving file, copy it from EDGE to the remote server, where continue to work with it and analyze it. The following protocols are supported - FTP or SCP. Copy to the root of the FTP server located in VDC, debug copy ftp FTP_USER_NAME @ FTP_SERVER: / tcpdump_vNic_0.0, then enter password.
SCP protocol is executed the same way. The file is copied to FTP, do not store it on EDGE and delete debug remove tcpdump_vNic_0.0
Wireshark-m is installed on server, open it normally.