In order to create / edit / use Kubernets in vCloud Director, it is necessary to use the CSE client, which runs above the VCD-CLI client. The client can be installed on any workstation, the access to the networks of your vCloud must be provided. For example, you can create a server in your vCD or connect via VPN to your vCD. CSE client requires Python version 3.7.3 and higher (!) to be installed. This is an important point, otherwise the client cannot be installed.
Many users face problems while install Python 3.7, as an instance we demostrate below how to install Python 3.7.4 using Centos7:
There is no Python 3.7 version for now in the official repositories, so you have to build it yourself.
1. Install the necessary components for Python
# yum install gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel sqlite-devel
2. Download from the official website and unpack the Python distribution
# cd / usr / src
# wget
# tar xzf Python-3.7.4.tgz
3. Installation
# cd Python-3.7.4
# ./configure --enable-optimizations
# make altinstall
4. After a successful installation, check the version of the new Python and pip3
# python3.7 --version
Python 3.7.4
# pip3.7 --version
pip 19.3.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip (python 3.7)
Python 3.7 installation completed successfully.
Then, you can install the VCD-CLI client and CSE:
1. # pip3.7 install vcd-cli
2. # pip3.7 install container-service-extension
3. We verify that the clients are successfully installed, if everything is successful, they should get the versions of the clients.
# vcd version
# cse version
4. Next step, CSE must be connected to VCD-CLI, for this log in to vCloud via VCD-CLI
# vcd login (tenant_name) (user_name)
user_name logged in, org: 'tenant_name', vdc: 'name_VDC'
5. After the first login, generate the ~ / .vcd-cli / profiles.yaml configuration file, edit it and add the necessary lines to the end of the file
# vim ~ / .vcd-cli / profiles.yaml
add them at the end of the file and save
- container_service_extension.client.cse
6. Check CSE version via VCD-CLI, if everything is successful, get the CSE version
# vcd cse version
Client installation completed successfully. Proceed to the creation of the cluster then.