Manage your cloud infrastructure from the command line interface using vcd-cli
For easy vcd-cli deployment, you can use the ready-made vcd-cli template. Instructions on how to deploy virtual machines from templates can be found in our Knowledge Base -
After creating a virtual machine, you can start using vcd-cli right away, but it is recommended to update vcd-cli to the current version with the command:
sudo pip3 install vcd-cli --upgrade
Once the version has been updated, you need to connect to the organization, this is done with the command:
vcd login url org_name user
URL to connect
For example, I will connect to a test organization:
vcd login demo-pesin administrator
You can manage your organization's cloud infrastructure from the command line.
For example, let's run a new virtual machine:
vcd vapp create -d "test_created_with_vcd-cli" -c Public -t centos7 -m 2048 -u 2 -k 32000 -v TMCwVCD-CLI -a -o tmc -n demo-pesin_LAN tmc
Here we go! The new VM is created. Further decryption of the used arguments:
-d, --description text - vApp description
-c, --catalog name - template directory
-t, --template name -name of the template
-n, -network name - organization network name
-i, --ip-allocation-mode mode - IP selection method
-m, --memory <MB> - RAM size (in Mb)
-u, --cpu <virtual-cpus> - number of processors
-k, --disk-size <MB> - disk size (in Mb)
-v, --vm-name name is the name of the virtual machine.
-o, --hostname hostname is the network name of the machine.
-a, --accept-all-eulas -- accept all user agreements.
To learn more about other commands and features of vcd-cli, please read