Email Service API - General Information

Through the Email Newsletter Service's Application Programming Interface (API), you can send newsletters, individual email messages, manage recipient lists, get newsletter statistics, and more.

Basic URL for sending requests:


Alternative URL for sending requests, to be used if the main URL is blocked:


Authentication is done using a token.

This token must be sent with each new HTTP request. It is passed with the parameter:

Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN


Your token is stored in your personal account. Do not share it with others

Data exchange with the server is done in json format. Each request must include a header:

Content-Type: application/json

Sometimes it is necessary to obtain a list of data called collections. Some requests allow you to get a list of data by page, with a certain number of rows per page. The page number is specified in the query parameter:


The page size (number of records) is specified in the parameter:


Example query:

curl -X GET \

     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'         \

     -H 'Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN'


If you exceed the maximum size of the requested page, you will get an error



         "errors": [     


               "code": 412,       

               "detail": "Page size is too big. Max value is 100"     





The default value of page_size, if you have not set it, is 100.

An example of a response to a request with a list of data (collection). The response is a structure:









                               "title":"My Recipients"     




                               "title":"My Recipients #2"     




                              "title":"My Recipients #3"     




Where total_count is the total number of items, total_pages is the total number of pages, page_number is the page number, page_size is the page size, collection is an array of returned data.

Query responses contain codes. These can be used to determine the status of the request completion.


Below are the codes and their description




The request is successfully completed


Invalid parameters


Authentication failed


Insufficient funds


Resource not found


Unsupported data type


Resource cannot be processed


Unknown error



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