Migration from Microsoft Azure

To export a virtual machine from Azure, you must install Azure PowerShell on any Windows family machine and use the Save-AzureVhd command to save the virtual drive. Command syntax:

Save-AzureVhd [-Source] [-LocalFilePath] [[-NumberOfThreads] ] [[-StorageKey] ] [[-OverWrite]] [ ]


-LocalFilePath - indicates the path to save VHD;

-NumberOfThreads - specifies the number of threads to be used at launching;

-OverWrite - indicates that you want to overwrite the file if it already exists;

-Source - specifies URI for BLOB in Azure

-StorageKey - specifies the storage key for BLOB storage. If it is not specified, the commandlet tries to identify the account storage key in the source URI from Azure.


In this example, the specified blob is loaded along the specified path to the local file:

Save-AzureVhd -Source http://mytestaccount.blob.core.windows.net/vhdstore/win7baseimage.vhd -LocalFilePath C:\vhd\MyWin7Image.vhd

In this example, the specified blob is loaded along the specified path to the local file and an existing file is overwritten if it exists:

Save-AzureVhd -Source http://mytestaccount.blob.core.windows.net/vhdstore/win7baseimage.vhd -LocalFilePath C:\vhd\MyWin7Image.vhd -Overwrite

In this example, the storage key is specified for download:

Save-AzureVhd -Source http://mytestaccount.blob.core.windows.net/vhdstore/win7baseimage.vhd -LocalFilePath C:\vhd\MyWin7Image.vhd -StorageKey zNvcH0r5vAGmC5AbwEtpcyWCMyBd3eMDbdaa4ua6kwxq6vTZH3Y+sw==.

Note: You can navigate through the account container on the Azure portal to find the correct URL for VHD.

VHD downloaded from Windows Azure must be converted to VMDK format, for example with StarWind V2V Converter

Next, you can use VMware Workstation Pro to create a machine with the disk obtained after conversion and export it to OVF (see article)

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