How to define the Administrator password on a Virual Machine deployed from a template

To define the Administrator password on the virtual machine (here referred to as VM) created from template, follow the steps below (wait until VM is initialized, so after switching on wait 5 minutes):

  1. Open Virtual Machines and press the DETAILS button on the selected machine;

2. open the Guest OS Customization section;

3. Remember the password in front of the Auto generate password line. This is the password for Administrator;

4. Click OK 

5. Connect to your VM and try to log in with this password.

If the indicated line did not contain the password, or you could not log in to the VM with it, or you changed the password directly using VM and it was lost, then do the following:

6. Turn off the VM.  Make sure that it has turned to the Powered Off mode.


7. click DETAILS

8. Select the Guest OS Customization section;

9. Make sure that the Enable guest customization checkbox is ticked. If not, then tick it;

10. Make sure the Change SID checkbox is unticked. If not, then untick it;

11. Make sure that the Allow local administrator password checkbox is ticked. If not, tick it;

12. Activate the Auto generate password option;

13. Click SAVE ;

14. Click ACTIONS and choose Power On and Force Recustomization;


На операционных системах на платформе WINDOWS, в качестве учетной записи используется Administrator или Администратор. На Linux системах - root.

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